Anna Banana’s Page

May 3, 3014
In July, my mom, my sisters, and I will fly back to the United States to see my brother Jason, and his wife Kelly’s, first baby! Tate Walter Flora. I can’t wait to see that precious little face when I hold him for the first time. I’ll also get to meet my niece Mya for the first time! I have seen her on Skype, but that is no where near the same as being able to touch her! I can’t wait to see her clap, crawl, and hear her laugh. I am so excited to be able to spend time with Abby, Ellie, JD, and Kolby! I have missed them like crazy! God has really blessed me with an amazing family!!!!

vacation 2014 607 (640x424)

There is NO Place Like Home…Anna, May 2013

A couple of weeks ago we went to Mokhotlong for the first time in a while. We drove to Moruti Mountain where we always go when we are going to teach the Bible to the people in the village of Makoarane. When we got there an old lady came running up the mountain to us. She asked us where we had been and why we hadn’t been there to teach. We told her that we were in America seeing our family. She said, “I thought you had forgotten about us.” We told her that the Basotho will always be in our hearts and we could never forget them. It was so awesome getting to be with the people again. I can’t wait to move there…It feels like HOME.

The Wedding…by Anna
February 7, 2011
 I thought that the wedding was shocking! I was going to say “interesting” but mom said that was a boring word. The wedding was longer than I thought it would be. We got there at 9am and the wedding was still not over at 7pm. Gracie and I danced with Tsepo and his cousin, Lucy. I was so embarrassed. I don’t like being in front of people, especially not 250+ people! I liked talking to the people and especially liked wearing the beautiful dress and the sparkles that mom put in my hair. I had to wash my hair 2 times to get the sparkles out, but it was worth it ‘cause dad said I was beautiful. I enjoyed looking at the bride…she was SO pretty. Her American name is Florence and we will get to see her again, since Tsepo is practically part of our family.

The Dance





Anna and her Daddy 

 Last month when we were in JoBurg taking care of the girls medical appointments, Jimmy took Grace and Anna on a date.  The girls chose the night, the restaurant, and the outfit.  Dad’s instructions from Mom…show the girls how a young man should treat them on a date.  🙂  Anna chose to go the nearby Chinese restaurant.  Isn’t she beautiful? 


Anna, practicing her story...


June 9, 2010 

Telling a Bible Story at a Village for the First Time! 

On Saturday, we go to three villages.  I told the story of Jonah and the whale in all three villages.  At first, I was kinda nervous, but it was fun!  I like helping my parents in our ministry.  Next week, I am going to tell the story of Jesus feeding the 5,000.  It is one of my favorite stories in the Bible. 

School is Almost Over! 

April 28, 2010  

School is almost over and I am so happy. The BEST thing about school being almost over is….MY BROTHER IS COMING! My big brother, Jim is coming to Africa with TK and Tyler. I won’t have to do any school while they are here and we can have fun! This year school was fun…at least some parts. This year my favorite subject was reading and my least favorite was MATH! I use to like math but this year it wasn’t too much fun…at least most of it. 

April 6, 2010 

Anna Mikail Flora….by Mom 


She is asleep this morning, on the bottom bunk of the bedroom she shares with Gracie. When she wakes up she will follow the same routine that she follows each morning; she will make her bed, place each small stuffed animal in it’s “belonging place”, she will arrange her pillows. She chooses the clothes she will wear for the day-she is very good at color coordination which is really something because when she came home from Haiti I had to lay her clothes out each morning since she was likely to wear the strangest things together. She loves jewelry, so she will coordinate that with her clothing. She will spend a LONG time in the bathroom, personal hygiene is important to her and takes her forever each morning. Once she is dressed she will come comb out her hair. Her hair is a disappointment to her. She would LOVE to have hair like Gracie. I spend a lot of time convincing her that she is beautiful and that her hair is beautiful. 

She is a helper….many times a day she asks me if there is something that she can do to help me. 

She is compassionate…she hates seeing the pain of others and wants to make it go away. 

She is generous…she will give her most prized possession to you if you want it. 

She gets frustrated with Bekah, often. 

She excels in math, hates English. 

She cannot stand to be in the same room with a cat…she says that they are always looking at her. 

She loves peanut butter and bananas, hates cauliflower and green beans. 

She will not talk much about her family in Haiti or her life before the Flora family. 

She is quiet around people, noisy at home, her best friend is Gracie, she wants to be a nurse someday…she is a deep thinker. 

She is our Anna, a true gift from God. 

February 17, 2010 


In homeschool we are studying about pioneers in history.  Mom is reading the Little House books to us.  These books are some of my favorites. I love to read.  In my independent reading time, I am reading a book about a girl named Mary Ellen.  She is “Bound for Oregon” with her family.  Today we read about Ma Ingalls letting Mary and Laura make molasses snow candy.  My mom said that we could try it this winter.  Each day, Mom gives a challenge of the day.  We have to read the challenge and see how we can solve the problem.  We have to write a paragraph in our English notebook. Here is one of my challenges and what I did about it…. 

A wheel falls off the wagon.  There is no spare. 

“Ma…Pa!  The wheel is coming off the wagon!”  “Oh no!  What are we going to do?  We can’t finish our trip unless we have four wheels.  We have to get another one.” 

“God, please help us…we need to get to Oregon…we have to!”   

From Teresa:  I chose this blog entry for Anna because it tells a lot about our little girls.  When there is a problem…they all know that the most important thing to do is to take it to Jesus.  Jimmy and I wondered how the earthquake and tragedy in Haiti would effect Anna.  We knew that Rebekah was too young to remember the orphanage and family there, but Anna was not.  We were very open with Anna.  We told her that it was very possible that her biological parents and siblings had died.  We prayed for them and for all of the children in the orphanage, For His Glory.  If there is one thing that Anna has learned by living in the Flora family is that we can do NOTHING without Jesus.  Prayer is our access to His power…. 


Tonight we helped Delinda put together shepherd bags.  On Saturday, we get to go into the mountains, find the shepherds, and give them the bags filled with socks, cups, hygiene items, and other really neat stuff.  It is going to be so much fun!  Thank you Missouri Baptist Women for helping us take Jesus to the mountains! 


November 23, 2009 

I love going to villages!  

I love going to the villages. I always have so much fun! When Holly was here we went to a village called Phoekoeng. My mom and Holly are nurses and they helped the people in the village. I got to help measure the babies and the little kids. I want to be a nurse when I grow up. I am glad God called my family to Africa. 

Going to Mokhotlong…My journal entry, October 9, 2009 

I never dreamed about living in a place called Mokhotlong.  It is a very long word and is hard to pronounce.  When we went to Mokhotlong we got to play with the children and hand out sweets.  It was fun!  Then we went to a man’s house and he showed us around.  the girls and I got to hold baby chicks.  We went to his church on Sunday and it was very different from churches in America, but it was fun.  

Mokhotlong-2nd visit 025 


August 11, 2009 

Anna Mikail Flora, My Autobiography 

My name is Anna Flora and I am 10 years old.  I was born in Haiti, January 20, 1999.   When I was 5 I was sent to an orphanage and I had one sister with me.  I was in an orphanage that had more than 1oo kids in it.  In 2005, I was waiting for a family that would love me and my sister, and that would be kind to us, and also one that would teach us new things.  In 2006, God gave me the perfect one and it was the Flora family.  They loved me like I wanted to be loved.  They were kind to me, they taught me a lot of new things.  God gave me the best family in the whole world.  I love my family very much.  On February 8, 2007, I became a Christian.  I was 8 years old when I became a Christian.  I was so happy and my family was too.  In 2008, I had my last Christmas with my family, because my parents, my sisters, and I were called to Africa.  It was one of the saddest days of my life, but you have to do what God tells you to do.  When God called my family and I to do mission work in Africa, we had to ride an airplane over the ocean.  We had to learn about our country.  We had to do a lot of things before we got to our beautiful mountains.  God has been great to my family and I, He has taken us to Africa safely.  He has just been good to us. 



                                                                                    Thank You So Much….July 25, 2009 

                                                             Thank you so much for all the prayers for me.  I am home, almost well, and having fun.  I spend my free time watching movies with my sisters, cross stitching, playing rock star, singing, and I am now writing my own song….my finger is getting better.  Mom and Dad took out my stitches and they are making me exercise it 2 times a day.  That is NOT fun.  Dad keeps saying that we have to get my finger well because my hurt finger is the one that I will wear my wedding ring on someday.  He says that he doesn’t want anyone to have an excuse not to marry me.   



April 8, 2009
Today I got to climb a mountain for the first time and it was fun!  I loved it!  I saw two people riding donkeys and I also saw a man chasing a cow.  It was funny!  I saw a lot of shepherd boys and men.  I also saw a woman putting a baby on her back.  I can see the mountains from Maseru.  The best thing that I saw was a lot of clouds in a circle around the sun.  It was over a hill and it was very beautiful.
Anna Ready for the African Worship Service
Anna Ready for the African Worship Service
My New School

School here at the International Learning Center is fun!  My teacher is Mr. Dustin.  He was a missionary kid in Africa.  He is married now and has two little boys named Nathaniel and Cole.  His wife is named Julie and we got to meet them.  In school we learn a lot of things.  We have learned about Lottie Moon and that she had a donkey that she rode in China.  I have also learned about other missionaries like us.  In only 12 days we will leave for Africa.  I can’t wait until we get there.  I want to see the people and tell them about Jesus.  Some of my friends in my school are going to Africa too.  My favorite friend is Jaden. Jaden and her family are going to Africa too, but not to the same country but in the same region.  That means that I will get to see her at MK camp each summer and 40/40 in Zambia.  We will spend the whole month together.    

gotta get to bed….house church in the morning! 


It’s February 2nd…this is how I feel…
Moving is sad and glad.  I feel sad because I don’t get to be with my family and friends.  I feel glad because I get to make new friends and get to do a lot of fun things.  One thing about moving that is sad is that you have to give some things away.  When you move it is like you are sad and glad.  I like Virginia.
What I’m Thinking…
We are finally in Richmond!  I have made a lot of new friends.  It is fun in Richmond, VA.  Tomorrow is the first day of school and I can’t wait.  My classroom is big and pretty.  There are flags from many different countries, a parrot, and a gerbil named Hannah.
To the GA’s at Hamlin,
Being a missonary kid is going to be lots of fun!  Karen, I miss calling you Sharon!  I miss you all. 

My Favorite Things 

 I have a lot of favorite things… 

My favorite food-pizza 

My favorite color-blue 

My favorite book-The Boxcar Children 

My favorite animal-horses 

My favorite song-Jesus, Take the Wheel 

My favorite toy-Barbie 

My favorite nephew-JD 

My favorite nieces-Abby and Ellie 

My favorite movie-Chronicles of Narnia-Prince Caspian 

 xtreeIf I could give the children of Lesotho anything for Christmas, I would give them…
  • a Bible so that they could learn more about Jesus
  • a baby doll so that they could have something to play with
  • a home because I want them to be safe
  • a family so that they would not be alone

Merry Christmas from Anna! 


This, Ladies and Gentlemen, is Anna Banana

This, Ladies and Gentlemen, is Anna Banana


The Top Ten Things I Will Miss in the US when I move to Africa… 

  1. Family
  2. Friends
  3. House
  4. Church
  5. McDonald’s
  6. Ziggies
  7. Pachuca’s
  8. Neighbors
  9. Dairy Queen
  10. WalMart

The Top Ten Things I Want to Do When I Step Off the Plane in Africa… 

  1. Tell People About Jesus
  2. Hold the babies that do not have a family
  3. Climb the Mountains
  4. Pray to God
  5. Ride my horse
  6. Look at the Night Sky
  7. Talk with my Family back home
  8. Help the people that have AIDS
  9. Help the people that do not have homes
  10. Teach people how to pray
Anna and JD

Anna and JD



Hi, My name is Anna Mikail Flora.  I can’t wait until I get to Lesotho, Africa!  I am so excited that I am an MK.  I wish that I could take my family with me, but I know that I have to do what Jesus tells my family to do.   

Our Anna

Our Anna


Today we got to drive on a big mountain.  It was a blast!  We got to feed the shepherds and they were very happy.  Gracie and I found out how to say, “Jesus Can Give You Living Water” in Sesotho.  Africa is very fun and I miss you all.
Love, Anna
Anna update from Dad:  Tonight when I was telling the girls their bible story before bedtime, Anna wanted to know why the “death” angel from the Passover couldn’t hear….Anna….could she possibly be a blonde Haitian? 🙂

                                                                                                                                Anna Mikail  

I Am Anna

I Am Anna



June 17, 2009 


I am a Christian and a MK 

I wonder what it would be like to be a nurse 

I hear my mom singing 

I see my sister dancing 

I want to be a good MK 

I am a Christian and a MK 


I pretend that I am older 

I feel happy when I share 

I touch the blue, pretty sky 

I worry about orphans 

I cry when they don’t have anything 

I am a Christian and a MK 


I understand that life isn’t always good 

I say I want to be a nurse 

I dream of becoming a nurse 

I hope God will save the orphans 

I am a Christian and a MK 



  1. I love you Anna Banana! You are an amazing girl and I can hardly wait for the phone call from you telling me about the first person you lead to Christ in the mountains. I am praying right now for you that He will use you in a mighty, mighty way to bring Him glory! Yea, Anna!

  2. I am your Aunt Codi’s friend in Highlands. I just want you to know that I am praying for you and your family. God bless.

  3. I am also so excited for you to be a MK. Please let me know of all the fun and exciting things you do.

  4. Anna,
    My sweet girl. I will soooo miss you, but I am so proud to have my very own MK. You Rock!!! I know you will Go Forward for Jesus.

    I love you,
    Karen (not Sharon) (smiley face here)

  5. Anna, you are a remarkable girl! God has chosen you to tell African people about Jesus! The Clinton’s love you and are praying for you. —Doug

  6. hey, its rachel……i just want to pray for you and i love you…see you at christmas!!!!

  7. Anna, I love you so much and if I know I have told you alot but I will you and gracielacie alot.
    Your BFF

  8. Anna,

    I have been truly blessed to get to know you. Thank you for your hard work on The Passion Tree. I am going to miss you so much, but am happy that your allowing God to use you as a MK. I can’t wait to hear about the exciting ways He is working in your life.

  9. Anna, So you are not the shy little sad girl I first saw when you came home. What a blessing you have been to me. I am so amazed at how God works. You came from Haiti with your mom and dad to be a part of our family. God brought you here to teach you and nuture you for the task He has planned for you. You have learned so fast. I am very proud that I am your Granny. I can say about you and Gracie, those are my girls, they are well deserving MKs. Love, Granny

  10. How sweet of you to think of all those things for your news friends you will make in Lesotho. Merry Christmas to you and your family.

    Love ya,
    Debbie Mardell

  11. Anna what I wrote on Gracielacie blog goes for you too so make sure you get to read it I love and will mis playing on the trapiliune was fun but it ended all to soon. Luv u Steph

  12. Hi Anna
    What a blessing you are to me from the first hello on the phone in Haiti before you even knew very much English to all the hugs you give me every time you see me. I will miss your hugs but remember someone in Lesotho needs them too.
    I love you

  13. You are such a beautiful young lady. How much taller than me do you think you will be the next time you are in Springfield, or when I come see you in Lesotho?

    Debbie D

  14. Anna- one of my favorite Sunday School friends
    I will really miss you in Sunday School. You will have a great time in the “purple mountains” telling about Jesus. Love on all the children and do some crafts for me. Take care and remember I am praying for you.
    Remember to ride your horse safely-don’t get too wild, do your math and do a paper folding craft for one of the children. Love you!

  15. Anna –

    Boy, am I going to miss you!! I think the thing I will miss more than anything is that beautiful smile of yours.
    I can’t wait to get to Africa, so you can show me your new “Christian” friends.
    I love you!!

  16. Hi Anna!
    I had so much fun being with you and your family last night. Thank you for meeting us halfway and having dinner with us! Your mom said that next time you all were driving all the way to Corpus Christi so that we could all go to Kiko’s Restaurant! YUMMY!! I love you!

  17. Hi anna what’s up love your page! hailie

  18. Anna,

    How is Virginia? Missouri is cold! Ice is pelting down as I type! I just wanted to tell you how proud I am of you. I miss your beautiful smile, but know that God needs your smile to touch other people’s lives.


  19. Hey, how is Richmond? Willard and Springfield are out of school today and tomorrow because of ice, sleet and snow…I hope your weather is better. Love and miss you, Anna!

  20. Hey Anna!! This is Sharon, I mean Karen speaking. So glad you are making friends! I will print your message off for the GA’s. You will make an awesome MK. As Ralene said, we are out of school because of rain, sleet and snow. We’ll throw a snowball for you. I love you and pray for you always.

  21. I hope you enjoy your new school and learn alot so the next time I see you, you can teach me something new, or just tell me about on your blog.
    Miss you and love you.

    Debbie D

  22. Anna, how’s my brown eyed MK doing by now? I understand you are busy with a new school. Keep us posted about your new experience and new friends.
    So Lottie Moon was a very small lady. Just remember you don’t have to be a big person to make a difference for God. You will be a great MK. I am excited for all of you.
    Keep blogging.
    Your sleep-over buddy, DeDe

  23. Hey Anna,
    I really miss you guys!! 😦
    I’m glad you like your school!! I’m sure it’s different from homeschool. I pray for ya’ll everyday!! Please be safe love you guys 🙂

  24. Anna,

    It is fun to workout on the WiiFit because I get to see my friend Anna Banana! I am so glad that you made a Mii! It makes me think about the fun time we had when your family came to our house for supper!


  25. Hi Anna,
    How are you. GA’s is good. We miss you!


  26. Dear Anna,

    Hi, How are you. I miss you very much. I hope you come see us again.


  27. Hi Anna,

    Do you like your school. I hope you will like Lesotho, Africa. I miss you.

    Love, Keela

  28. Hey Anna,
    I guess you can see that the GA’s are writing to you. We are going to have them do that once a month and then we’ll send it to you. It was Ms. Glenda’s idea. She’s so smart. I know that you are learning lots and growing stronger in the Lord each day. I pray for you always my dear MK sister. I love you.

  29. Howdy, Anna Banana!
    Brandon is a very busy guy right now! He is at rehearsal for Mulan at Little Theatre. He had rehearsal after school for a Reader’s Theatre at school and he is going to do a one day rehearsal and audition at God and Country Theatre in Branson!

    How do you like school?


  30. Dear Anna,
    I miss you! Your new school sounds good. Does the parrot talk? Do you get to help take care of the animals? I have a Valentine for you and you shoud get it next week.

    Love, Allison

  31. dear anna banana, remember me? i’m michelle. we ate lunch with you on saturday. i really wish i could see you guys. you guys are great!!!!!! and my sister is going to write back too. just so you know. please tell gracie to write back. and you too please.

    love michelle

  32. dear anna banana. it’s me olivia. i was one of the girls that ate with you at lunch. how are things?
    sorry i haven’t written to you yet. sidney said she wrote you. did you get it? i don’t have a face book.
    maybe we could communicate through this. this is fun! cool. so, has anything interesting been happening over there? love olivia

  33. hey guys!!!!!!!!!! anna ! its michelle? remember me?? we ate lunch last saturday. sorry it took forever……. the email address you gave us didn’t really work. so my dad found this. isn’t that cool!!!!!!! please tell gracie i said hello. you guys rock. i bet god is really happy that he made you. you guys are really cool!!!! please write back at this email address .

    thanks! love michelle

  34. dear anna, i have to write you a letter again because the other one didn’t save. how is school?it’s cool writing to a missionary. you’re probually (sorry i can’t write that correct) a normal person. but still…. a normal person missionary!!!! maybe we could comunicate through this… if it’s okay with you. oh, and i”m one of the girls you met at lunch on saturday.

    love olivia

  35. Don’t tell anyone but i followed you in the form of a gerbil so i could be with you. 😀 I’m glad you are having fun.
    Love and Miss you

  36. Sounds like you are making a lot of cool friends thought this site. Hope all is going good for you. I love you and pray for you and your family eveyday.

    Debbie Dale

  37. Miss Anna,
    You are so beautiful. It has been a while since I have read on here and when I clicked to read your page I was struck by your smile. I love you and think about you often. I know that you are having a fabulous time. Keep your sisters and parents calm, I know you are good at that. Miss you!

    Jenni 🙂

  38. Anna,

    I wrote to you the same day I wrote to Gracie, but it looks like it didn’t go through. Sorry.

    I hope you will keep a diary every day, and some day you can use it to write a wonderful story to inspire other girls!

    We are praying for all of you. I know you’ll have an exciting adventure, but things will be different than you have been used to.


    Martha Templeton

  39. Anna,
    I miss your sweet smile, and your kind heart. Those two traits will go far with the people of Africa I am sure. I think of you often and can’t wait to see you all again!
    I love you
    Claire Dale

  40. Anna,
    I’m sorry I never got to meet you and your sisters, but I enjoyed getting to know your parents and helping them on their journey to Africa. You have an awesome family and you are truely blessed to have been picked by God for this special journey. Enjoy every day, learn all you can, make many friends, and tell everyone you can about Jesus!

    Pat Jenkins

  41. Hey my Anna,
    Uphela joang? I know you are doing great!! Keep smiling for Jesus. I love your smile. You are going forward for Christ and I am so glad He called you to do so.
    Love you bunches.

  42. hey anna i miss u so much. i miss ur smile that always turned my frown upside down. during da summer i @ my grandparents so i hope that u will email me!(hint hint) (lol) i miss u and love u good luck in africa
    love ya 🙂 😉 😛

  43. So how do you say “Jesus can give you Living Water” in Sesotho?
    You look beautiful and I love your poem. Still praying for you as you Go Forward.
    Love you. Karen

  44. Hi Anna, I heard about the problem you are having with your hand. I will be praying for you and your trip to the doctors. I am praying for your whole family and trusting God to take of you.

    In Him,
    Mr. Dustin

  45. Anna, I’m a friend of your Aunt Codi and we are praying that your hand will be healed quickly so you can share about God’s physical healing and His saving grace to the children in your area. I love that y’all are using your NAIL SALON to reach the girls too. What a joy to see God using you in such a fun way.

    1 Corinthians 3:9 ~ We are God’s Co-workers ~

    Nancy Stewart, FBC Highlands

  46. Anna,
    So thankful your finger is healing well. Prayed for you mightly. Your dad is too funny. You will be such a gift to some man someday, it wouldn’t even matter if you had a finger. I’m glad you do, but you, Anna is the real gift. Can’t wait to hear your song.
    Go Forward!! Micah 6:8
    I love you.

  47. Anna,
    So glad you were able to get your medicine today. We will be praying it works fast. It is amazing how God worked everything out. Sending our love to you and all of your family.
    David and Lora

  48. Dear Anna–I am so glad your finger is getting
    well–always remember God holds
    you in his hand and will always
    protect you from harm and danger…
    As you learn his healing power your
    faith will grow stronger and stronger.
    I believe every trial we have is to
    make us stronger–It works for me!!!!
    Lots of Love, Mam-Maw


  49. I am so happy that you became a part of my family, too!!!!!You are very special to me!!!!!
    I love you so much!!!!
    Lots of love, Mam-maw

  50. Hello Anna,
    I am so happy your finger is better. We think about you often.
    I love to hear what you see, what you are doing.
    You are a beautiful young lady.
    We love your momn and dad also. they are wonderful. Give everyone a big hug for us od?
    Love you sweetie.
    Adopted grandma Pat

  51. Anna,
    I have been praying so much for you and your finger, as well as the rest of the family. I am thrilled that it is better. You are such a strong, caring, Christian young lady, and I know God is going to use you in a mighty way.
    I belong to First Baptist Church in Richland, MO where you all came one Sunday night to speak to us.
    Love in Christ,
    Georgia White

  52. Anna.
    So glad you got the charms. I cried when I read about the recognition service. I am so proud of you. I miss you and I love you very much.
    “Sharon” Karen

  53. Anna,
    I enjoyed reading your postings. I especially like the way God is working to heal your finger. Your dad is right, you need that ring finger! We love and miss you!

    Nokie and girls

  54. Hi Anna,
    How do you pronounce Mokhotlong? Is it pronounced just like it is spelled? I’ve noticed that your mom has shortened it to Mok. What kinds of games do you play with the village children? I’ll be they have fun when you, Gracie and Rebekah visit!

  55. Hey Anna,
    Stephie is at my house this evening. We are kind of slow at reading these blogs sometime. Loved the picture. I pray for you daily.

    We love you.
    Stephie and Karen(Sharon)

  56. hi guys i email your mom all the time i go 2 heights love your website.

  57. Dear Anna–I just want to encourage you to keep writing on your blog. I love your pictures and knowing what you are doing. I look at it nearly every sure to keep studying real hard– you need to learn everything you can so you can be a nurse someday…Always remember how much I love you…I’m sending a great big hug for you–Be sweet!!!!! Lots of love, Mam-maw

  58. Anna,

    I can’t wait to hear about your adventures taking the shepherd’s bags to the mountains! God bless you as you go share the news of Jesus!

    Susie and the Compton Guys

  59. Anna–Have a very happy birthday!! I am so glad Delinda was able to visit you. She told me that you are taller and a very beautiful young lady. I am glad that you are having many opportunities to visit villages, make friends and tell them about Jesus. We are praying for you.

  60. Dear Anna–I’m glad you are studying about the Pioneers–My Daddy’s ancestors came from England and settled in Baltimore, Maryland…My dad’s ancestor was a brother of Lord Baltimore who had the land grant from the king of England..
    They were a group of Catholics who came to the New World to escape religious persecution in England–Lord Baltimore(Cecil Calvert) disowned his brother (my dad’s ancestor) when he married a Protestant girl…so, he took his young bride and went far across the Appalachian Mountains to live in Ohio..They were pioneers, too, but I think they were generally called “settlers”…many years later, after the Civil War, the “Gray” family moved to Texas in the 1890″s..I had an ancestor who was a soldier in the American Revolution..I just thought you might like to know a little bit of history that you won’t find in the history books (of course, Cecil Calvert (Lord Baltimore) is in the old encyclopedias–there is actually a “CALVERT” county inthe state of Maryland and the city of Baltimore has always been the capitol of the state of Maryland… Always remember I love you, Mam-maw

  61. I love you Anna!Your a great cousin and your super funny!I love you guys sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooomuch!!!!!

  62. Hello Anna,

    I enjoyed looking at your page. I am looking forward to seeing you in July. I can’t wait for you to meet my daughters.

    Love you,

  63. Our sweet Anna –what a beautiful piece your mother wrote about you — I miss you so much —
    I’m with you on the cats –they always want to rub on me — yuk!! – that gives me the “willies” (old-fashioned word for the “shivers” or “makes your flesh crawl”)

  64. Anna–hello to you–I want you to know that I am praying for you—one of the things is that you will grow to LOVE math!!!!! I am so glad you love reading and are reading the Laura Ingalls Wilder books. They were some of my favorite books, too. When you come back here-you need to visit her museum in Mansfield. Have a wonderful daY!

  65. Hi Anna! Just wanted to let you know that I love and miss your beautiful face!!

  66. Hi, Anna

    I am amazed at how well you reach out to the people there, and care about them. You truly are a missionary, too.

    You’re a beautiful young lady, and I’m sure God is pleased with your life.

    I do hope you’ll keep a journal of all your adventures, to turn into a book someday.

    We love you,

    Gene and Martha

  67. Anna,

    I wish I could hear you tell the Bible story. I know you will put your heart and soul into reaching those that hear, but do not know Jesus. Keep planting and watering those seeds you are planting.


  68. Just a note to remind you how much I love you !!!! I was thinking about the times when you and Gracie spend the night — we didn’t even get to play “spoons” that last trip — I miss those good times together –Lots of love, Mam-Maw

  69. Hey Anna Banana!! I miss you so much! I love you! Email me back gurly poo luv you bunches and bunches!

  70. Happy Birthday, Beautiful Anna! Hope your day is great!

  71. Dear Anna,

    We just want to wish you a happy birthday. I can’t believe how much you’ve grown since you left here. I know you and Gracie are a great help to your mom while she has been sick. We love you and pray for you every day.

    Gene and Martha Templeton

  72. Anna,

    I’m anxious to see more pictures of the wedding. You look beautiful, and I’m sure it meant a lot to your Lesotho friends that you participated in the wedding.

    I hope there will be pictures of the baptism on Saturday, too. That is so exciting!
    We love you and pray for all of you every day.

    Martha Templeton

  73. Anna, you are so beautiful !!! and I know you are beautiful inside as well as outside, which is really more important!!! I love you!!! Mam-Maw

  74. I loved your dresses! The color is so pretty. I can’t wait to see you guys when you return. You are getting to be such a young lady!

  75. Anna,
    You are growing into such a beautiful young lady! You probably don’t remember me but, my name is Kathy and I am Brandon Friebe’s mom. I was reading your
    stuff and found out we have a lot in common. My favorite book besides the BIBLE is “The Boxcar Children”, my favorite color is blue, my favorite animal is a horse, and one of my favorite songs is “Jesus Take the Wheel.” You have good taste!!

  76. Anna, I am so proud of the woman you are becoming but then you do have the most wonderful example in your Mom!! 🙂 We miss you all and hold you in our prayers. Keep telling the people about Jesus! God is doing so many wonderful things in you and through you. Give hugs to your mom and dad and to Gracie and Rebekha for us. Continue to be the Light that shines in darkness. You are an amazing young lady. Blessings from Alaska!

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